Neil Patel

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From A to Z: How to Set Up a Google Remarketing Campaign

One of your best marketing campaigns will be remarketing. When someone visits your website and leaves without buying or signing up, you can follow them around the web and show them ads to bring them
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How to Leverage SEO in Your Personal Brand to Drive Business

Personal branding is something most of us get wrong. You don't need millions of followers to have a personal brand. And you can use SEO, which is probably the best channel for personal branding. So
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Easy tips for improving your SEO

What if I told you that you could improve your SEO without publishing anything new? While Google loves fresh content, the benefits may be outweighed by outdated content that hurts your website's
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10 SEO Experiments to Grow Your Organic Traffic Performance

There are a lot of simple ways to grow your traffic. They don't have to be hard to implement either... ​Today I wanted to break down 10 of them. Do yourself a favor and just try out 1 of them...
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Black Friday SEO webinar (I know it's early, but there is a reason why...)

With summer starting, the last thing you want to think about is the holiday shopping frenzy. But if you're running an e-commerce business, it should be the first thing. Believe it or not, Black
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An Entrepreneurs Guide to Growing Your Startup

If you are starting off it can be tough. I know it first hand... I've spent the majority of my life creating companies from scratch... without funding. So today I want to help you grow on a budget.
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Does Repurposing Content Work? Here's a Data Driven Answer

We repurpose content everywhere... From the web to social media, it's common to use the same (or similar) content everywhere. It's more efficient, so of course, why wouldn't we? But does it
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Next Webinar: Master the Data Revolution

Are you confused by the complex, ever-changing landscape of data privacy laws? Compliance is crucial, but it can be a challenge. That's why I'm hosting a webinar on June 13, 2023, with
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Here's whats Google is rolling when it comes to AI

I've been getting a lot of emails from people asking me how Google is going to leverage AI. And more importantly, how is it going to affect their site, their traffic, their marketing, their
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Master data privacy challenges

Are you confused by the complex, ever-changing landscape of data privacy laws? Compliance is crucial, but it can be a challenge. That's why I'm hosting a webinar on June 13, 2023, with
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SEO Hacks You Need to Start Doing Today

Let's have some fun today. I want to teach you some things that I have learned over the years that I enjoy when it comes to marketing. Let's start with some SEO hacks that you should start
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Alternative Marketing Methods Outperforming AI

AI is great, but as a marketer, it shouldn't be your only tool. It should just be one of the many tools in your toolkit. And although it's great, there are many alternative marketing channels
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How to Write Your Blog Posts 10 Times Faster with SEO in Mind

We've all heard about ChatGPT... and we all know about AI-generated content. The issue with a lot of the AI-generated content is it doesn't keep SEO In mind. Writing content that no one reads
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How to do Omni-channel Marketing in 2023

All good marketing channels eventually get competitive and more expensive over time. So the only solution is to leverage multiple channels. Even if one marketing channel isn't as good as it used to
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GA4 for e-commerce webinar

Are your GA4 properties configured to capture all your key metrics? I want to make sure you don't lose important insights after switching to Google's new analytics platform. That's why I
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What Google's New AI Search Engine Mean for SEO and Paid Ads

In the last 30 days, Google has had 2 events. Their IO conference and the marketing live event that is happening today. The changes they are announcing are going to affect you as a marketer and
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My Secrets To Creating an SEO Friendly Website

I've been doing SEO for years. Yes, it takes time to get results, but it really isn't rocket science. If you want to create an SEO friendly website, watch this. It breaks down the fundamentals
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Eye-opening SEO stat

Even though people have been doing SEO for ages, it doesn't mean that you can't get started now. There's still traffic to be had. You may have seen a video I recorded recently saying that
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14 quick email marketing hacks

Whether you love email marketing or hate it, it's effective. As the saying goes... "the money's in the list". That saying wouldn't exist if email marketing didn't work. But
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Humans VS AI: Which one is better for content?

Humans versus AI, which one is better for marketing. Whether it is personalization or content creation, which one is better? Me and a few other marketers debated this at a recent conference. ​Check it